Organic VS conventional Beetroot composition

The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological value of fresh beet and sensory quality of pickled beet prepared from roots from organic and conventional cultivation systems. The authors calculated P using t student

According to Kosson.R, Krystyna .E, Szafirowska .A (2012) They analyzed contents of dry matter, sugar, nitrates, betanin, vulgaxantin.

  • The beet dry matter in organic conditions is 15,1 % and in conventional conditions is 18,3%. The authors said that P < 0.05 and n=20. Using this data, in the website Graphpad Students T test online the result is P < 0,05 so it's true.
  • The beet sugars in organic conditions is 9,9% and in conventional conditions is 9%. The authors said that P < 0.05 and n=20. Using this data, the result is P < 0,05 (0.0071) so it's true.
  • The beet nitrates in organic conditions is 1338.5 mg/kg and in conventional conditions is 2111.8 mg/kg. The authors said that P < 0.05 and n=20. Using this data, the result is P < 0,05 so it's true.
  • The beet betanin in organic conditions is 113.7 mg/100g and in conventional conditions is 89.7 mg/100g. The authors said that P < 0.05 and n=20. Using this data, the result is P < 0,05 so it's true.
  • The beet vulgaxantin in organic conditions is 65,7 mg/100g and in conventional conditions is 54,6 mg/100g. The authors said that P < 0.05 and n=20. Using this data, the result is P < 0,05 so it's true.